Sehlopha sa ho Lekola

Lithuto tsa Bibele

Lithuto tsa Bibele, learning the Bible

  • Mokhoa oa ho hloeka

    Mokhoa oa khalaletso ke ofe?

    Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and His blood and by faith and regeneration in Christ, you have been cleansed from all your sins and iniquities and made holy and righteous

  • O hodile neng moyeng?

    O hodile neng moyeng?

    Boikaelelo jwa Mokeresete mongwe le mongwe yo o tsetsweng la bobedi ke go gola go ya kgolong ya semoya mo borweng jwa Modimo le go tsamaya jaaka morwa yo o godileng wa Modimo mo lefatsheng.. But when are

phoso: Litaba tsena li sirelelitsoe