Bibelstudier, att lära sig Bibeln
Throughout the centuries, many false doctrines have arisen that are an insult to God and didn’t draw Christians closer to God, but further away from God. These false doctrines have led…
Bibelstudier, att lära sig Bibeln
Throughout the centuries, many false doctrines have arisen that are an insult to God and didn’t draw Christians closer to God, but further away from God. These false doctrines have led…
Akta er så att ingen fördärvar er genom filosofi och fåfängt bedrägeri, efter männens tradition, efter världens grunder, och inte efter Kristus (Kolosserna 2:8) Paul warned the…
Jesus Christ commanded His Body; the Church to be His witness on earth. He commanded those, who belong to Him and follow Him to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and…
There are many trials in life, where you will show what you believe, to whom you listen, and by your actions, show to whom you belong. You can say all kinds…
Alla, who has repented and is born again in Jesus Christ, has become a new creation and belongs to the Body of Christ; kyrkan. The Church is seated in Christ…