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Estudos bíblicos

Estudos bíblicos, aprendendo a Bíblia

  • E quanto à graça e às obras

    E quanto à graça e às obras?

    E quanto à graça e às obras? Are you saved by grace or are you saved by works? Do you live under grace or do you live under the law? Is it all

  • Deixe os ossos secos ganharem vida

    Deixe os ossos secos ganharem vida!

    In the vision of the valley of dry bones in Ezekiel 37:1-14, God revealed to the priest Ezekiel the state of His people Israel, who were defeated and lived in captivity

  • The order of Melchizedek meaning

    Qual é a ordem de Melquisedeque?

    When Paul wrote about the high priesthood of Jesus Christ, Paul referred to the order of Melchizedek (Hebreus 5-7). Who was Melchizedek (Melchisedec) and what is the order of Melchizedek in

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