Biblické štúdiá, učenie sa Biblie
What about grace and works? Are you saved by grace or are you saved by works? Do you live under grace or do you live under the law? Is it all…
Biblické štúdiá, učenie sa Biblie
What about grace and works? Are you saved by grace or are you saved by works? Do you live under grace or do you live under the law? Is it all…
Ježiš prikázal všetkým, ktorý v Neho verí a rozhodol sa Ho nasledovať, byť Jeho svedkom. Ale čo to znamená byť svedkom Ježiša Krista?? When are you…
In the vision of the valley of dry bones in Ezekiel 37:1-14, God revealed to the priest Ezekiel the state of His people Israel, who were defeated and lived in captivity…
Keď Pavol písal o veľkňazstve Ježiša Krista, Pavol sa odvolával na rád Melchizedeka (Hebrejci 5-7). Who was Melchizedek (Melchisedec) and what is the order of Melchizedek in…
V Rimanoch 8:11, napísal Paul, but if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also…