Kitengo cha Kuvinjari

Mafunzo ya Biblia

Mafunzo ya Biblia, learning the Bible

  • What about grace and works

    What about grace and works?

    What about grace and works? Are you saved by grace or are you saved by works? Do you live under grace or do you live under the law? Is it all

  • Unapaswa Kuwa Shahidi Wa Yesu

    Unapaswa Kuwa Shahidi Wa Yesu?

    Jesus commanded everyone, who believes in Him and decided to follow Him, to be His witness. But what does it mean to be a witness of Jesus Christ? When are you

  • Wacha mifupa mikavu iwe hai

    Wacha mifupa mikavu iwe hai!

    In the vision of the valley of dry bones in Ezekiel 37:1-14, God revealed to the priest Ezekiel the state of His people Israel, who were defeated and lived in captivity

  • The order of Melchizedek meaning

    Nini maana ya Melkizedeki?

    When Paul wrote about the high priesthood of Jesus Christ, Paul referred to the order of Melchizedek (Waebrania 5-7). Who was Melchizedek (Melchisedec) and what is the order of Melchizedek in

kosa: Maudhui haya yanalindwa