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Studia biblijne

Studia biblijne, poznawanie Biblii

  • co oznacza modlitwa błagalna

    Co to jest modlitwa błagalna?

    W poprzednich wpisach na blogu, the spiritual armor of God was discussed and prayer and supplication, which is essential next to the spiritual armor in order to stand in the evil day

  • Miecz Ducha Słowo Boże Efezjan 6:17

    Miecz Ducha

    W Liście do Efezjan 6:17, we read about the Sword of the Spirit. A soldier can wear the right uniform for protection, but if a soldier enters the battlefield without a weapon or

  • Hełm zbawienia List do Efezjan 6:17 Izajasz 59:17

    Co oznacza zdjęcie hełmu zbawienia??

    W Liście do Efezjan 6:17, we read about the fifth element of the spiritual armor of God, which is the helmet of salvation. Paul commanded to take the helmet of salvation. Co to jest…

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