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聖書研究, learning the Bible

  • Armor of darkness

    The armor of darkness

    There is a spiritual warfare between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. This spiritual warfare will last until Jesus Christ has cast the devil and his angels and

  • Characteristics of days of Noah signs

    とは何ですか 7 ノアの時代の特徴?

    マタイで 24:37, Jesus was talking about His coming and the end of the world. イエスは言いました。, とりわけ, that the days would be as in the days of Noah. What was

  • 神の言葉の力


    The power of God’s Word is often underestimated. And because of the fact that the power of God’s Word is underestimated, many people don’t read God’s Word anymore, let alone study

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