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Biblijske studije

Biblijske studije, learning the Bible

  • Strict God or a rebellious people

    A strict God or a rebellious people?

    U Starom zavjetu, we read about the relationship between God and His chosen people Israel (Te, who are born of the seed of Jacob; Israel). We read about God’s love

  • Bloodshed and lawlessness in the vineyard the church

    The Bloodshed and lawlessness in the vineyard

    Many churches are not controlled and steered from a pure and good church board that acts according to the will of God, which is written in the Word, and represents, preaches,…

  • Bog je odbacio mnoge crkve

    Bog je odbacio mnoge crkve

    The devil tempted mankind with the lie, that if man would eat from the fruit of the forbidden tree, man would not surely die, as God said, but that the eyes

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