Kategória prehliadania

Biblické štúdiá

Biblické štúdiá, učenie sa Biblie

  • Do you walk in the right armor

    Do you walk in the right armor?

    From the moment you are born again in Christ and transferred from the power of darkness into the Kingdom of God, you are no longer a son (both male and female)…

  • Keď ľudia nepočúvajú Boží hlas

    Keď ľudia nepočúvajú Boží hlas

    The old man is prideful and rebellious and relies on his own understanding and is not willing to listen to others, nor to the voice of God. Johanan and the captains

  • Z mnohých kostolov sa stala ruina

    Z mnohých kostolov sa stala ruina

    Many churches have allowed the spirit of the world to enter and because of that many Christians don’t live holy lives after the Spirit in obedience to the Word, but have

  • God's Word has the final word on the Day of Judgment

    Božie Slovo má posledné slovo v deň súdu

    The whole creation is created by God, Jeho Slovo, a Ducha Svätého. Nothing has been created outside God’s Word. In the whole creation, God’s Word reigns, and His Word and

chyba: Tento obsah je chránený