Uluhlu lokukhangela

Izifundo zeBhayibhile

Izifundo zeBhayibhile, learning the Bible

  • Zihlole ukuba uselukholweni kusini na 2 KwabaseKorinte 13:5

    Zihlolisise, nokuba niselukholweni na

    IBhayibhile ithi ngo 2 KwabaseKorinte 13:5 ukuba uzigocagoce, nokuba niselukholweni na, uze uzicikide ngokwakho. Maninzi amaKristu, abaya ecaweni bathi…

  • UKrestu kaThixo

    UKrestu kaThixo

    When Jesus asked His disciples, who the people said He was, His disciples answered John the Baptist, but some said Elias, and others said one of the old prophets, who was

  • Hearers versus doers

    The hearers versus the doers

    In the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders (UMateyu 7:24-27, ULuka 6:46-49), Jesus compared two kinds of believers; the hearers and the doers of the Word. The hearers and the

impazamo: Lo mxholo ukhuselwe