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proučavanje Biblije

proučavanje Biblije, učenje Biblije

  • Difference between Jesus and religious leaders

    Razlika između Isusa i vjerskih vođa

    What was the difference between Jesus and the religious leaders? The religious leaders had a lot of head knowledge and high self-esteem. They thought they lived piously and were good men,…

  • Poruka koju nitko ne želi čuti

    Poruka koju nitko ne želi čuti

    Kroz godine, uši kršćana toliko su se navikle na isprazne filozofije i doktrine čovjeka, that they can’t endure the truth of God and His words anymore.

  • thankfulness of sons of God

    Thankfulness of the sons of God

    Živimo u svijetu, where thankfulness is often hard to find, including the thankfulness of the sons of God. Many Christians are not thankful even when they say they are

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