Bibelstudien, learning the Bible
Viele Kirchenführer sind zu Lebensberatern statt zu geistlichen Vätern geworden. The spiritual fathers have changed their role as shepherds of the flock to motivational speakers. They encourage the people, füttern…
Bibelstudien, learning the Bible
Viele Kirchenführer sind zu Lebensberatern statt zu geistlichen Vätern geworden. The spiritual fathers have changed their role as shepherds of the flock to motivational speakers. They encourage the people, füttern…
Jesus is the Prince of peace and He came to earth to bring peace. But what kind of peace did Jesus bring on earth? Da sind viele Leute, who have created…
Jesus preached and brought the Kingdom of God. He called the people of God to repentance and did many signs and wonders. Although Jesus did many mighty works, He could do…
Was ist der Zweck der Waffenrüstung Gottes nach der Bibel?? The purpose of the armor of God is to be able to stand against the wiles of the…
In vielen Kirchen, Der Teufel und seine Werke werden nicht mehr erwähnt. Die Mehrheit der Christen steckt den Kopf in den Sand und tut so, als ob der Teufel, who is the enemy…