Kategoria przeglądania

Studia biblijne

Studia biblijne, poznawanie Biblii

  • Trenerzy życia zamiast duchowych ojców, mówcy motywacyjni

    Trenerzy życia zamiast duchowych ojców

    Many church leaders have become life coaches instead of spiritual fathers. The spiritual fathers have changed their role as shepherds of the flock to motivational speakers. They encourage the people, feed

  • Cel zbroi Bożej

    Jaki jest cel zbroi Bożej?

    Jaki jest cel zbroi Bożej według Biblii? The purpose of the armor of God is to be able to stand against the wiles of the

  • are you allowed to speak about the devil

    Czy wolno Ci mówić o diable??

    W wielu kościołach, the devil and his works are no longer mentioned. The majority of Christians bury their heads in the sand and pretend like the devil, who is the enemy

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