proučavanje Biblije, učenje Biblije
In the parable of the wedding feast, Jesus compared the Kingdom of heaven to a king, who made a marriage for his son. The guests, who were invited had put on…
proučavanje Biblije, učenje Biblije
In the parable of the wedding feast, Jesus compared the Kingdom of heaven to a king, who made a marriage for his son. The guests, who were invited had put on…
Iz knjige Djela apostolskih, čitamo o hodu Crkve Kristove i njezinu mjestu u društvu. Okupljanje nanovo rođenih vjernika, who were baptized in water…
Jer iako hodamo u tijelu, Mi ne ratujemo za tijelom: (Jer oružje našeg ratovanja nije tjelesno, but mighty through God to the pulling down…
Tko ne uživa u dobrom umaku uz hranu? Ljudi su se toliko navikli na umak, da ne mogu živjeti bez umaka. There’s nothing exciting about food without the…
The modern gospel is often presented as a gospel without trials and tribulations. Everything will be great and you won’t experience any problems. The doctrine is focused on the carnal wealth…