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Studi biblici

Studi biblici, imparare la Bibbia

  • Gesù era un Amico dei pubblicani, esattori delle tasse

    Was Jesus a Friend of publicans?

    ‘Jesus was a Friend of publicans and sinners’ is often used by believers, to compromise and make friends with the world, tolerate and approve sin, leave the commandments of the Word

  • lie of levels

    La menzogna dei livelli

    In almost every religion and human philosophy, there are levels, which people can achieve through the means of natural knowledge, technics and methods. If you want to enter a new level,…

  • Smettila di incolpare Dio

    Smettila di incolpare Dio!

    Why did God allow this to happen? Why didn’t God do something? And why doesn’t God heal this person? Why did God allow this person to die? Why does God allow

  • Why was Jesus crucified on a wooden tree

    Perché Gesù fu crocifisso su una croce di legno?

    When Jesus was sentenced to death, Jesus was crucified on a wooden cross. Ma perché? Why wasn’t Jesus stoned to death? Perché Gesù fu crocifisso su una croce di legno? Quello che è successo…

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