

Bibelstudien, learning the Bible

  • secret of forgiveness

    What is the secret of forgiveness?

    Many people live with resentment and hold a grudge against others for all the wrongs and injustice that has been done to them. Their mind is filled with painful memories of

  • von meinen Gefühlen getäuscht

    Von meinen Gefühlen getäuscht

    Viele Menschen lassen sich von ihren Gefühlen täuschen. Es läutet, dass Gefühle trügerisch sind. Aber obwohl den Menschen bewusst ist, dass Gefühle trügerisch sind, da sind viele Leute, who are still

  • Is man created in the image of God

    Is man created in the image of God?

    Every Christian is familiar with the story of the creation of the heaven and the earth in the Bible, including the creation of man, who is created in the image of

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