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Estudos bíblicos

Estudos bíblicos, aprendendo a Bíblia

  • Fé técnica, fé mecânica

    Uma fé técnica

    The gospel of Jesus Christ has for a large part succumbed under the pressure of the world and has changed into one big entertainment industry. Many believers go to seminars, conferências,…

  • Libertação do poder do vício do álcool

    Como se livrar do poder do álcool?

    Alcoholism is a destructive spirit that controls many lives. Muitas pessoas, incluindo cristãos, have an alcohol addiction and live in bondage to the power of alcohol. No entanto, no one wants to

  • Is God's way your way

    Is God’s way your way?

    For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, diz o Senhor. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than

  • Spiritual realm fiction or real

    O reino espiritual é ficção ou real?

    O reino espiritual é ficção ou real? Everything has its origin in God and derives from the spiritual realm. If you believe in God, if you believe in Jesus Christ and

  • Como a escuridão extingue a luz

    The darkness extinguishes the light

    Em 1 John 1:15 está escrito que Deus é luz e Nele não há trevas. A primeira coisa, que Deus criou, when the earth was without form and void

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