estudios bíblicos, aprendiendo la biblia
Every covenant of God is being attacked by the devil. His attacks are spiritual, but the result of his attacks will become visible in the natural realm. When you see chaos…
estudios bíblicos, aprendiendo la biblia
Every covenant of God is being attacked by the devil. His attacks are spiritual, but the result of his attacks will become visible in the natural realm. When you see chaos…
The middle wall of partition between man and God has been broken down by Jesus Christ; por su sangre. Todos, who believes in Jesus Christ and becomes born again in Him…
El mal vendrá y si la Novia; el Cuerpo de Jesucristo no se arrepiente y quita todos los pecados de en medio de ella; de la vida de los creyentes, Dios…
Dios no quiere que nadie perezca. That’s why God has given everything to the people to accomplish His will and save people from death. Sin embargo, every person has been given a…
A la mayoría de la gente no le gusta la palabra pecado.. Les da escalofríos y horrores cuando escuchan la palabra pecado., pero ¿qué es el pecado según la Biblia?? Many Christians connect sin…