聖經研究, learning the Bible
What does it mean the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost? What does this mean for the Church; 基督的身體? What does it…
聖經研究, learning the Bible
What does it mean the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost? What does this mean for the Church; 基督的身體? What does it…
In Romans 14, Paul addressed his words to the believers in Rome and confronted them with their behavior and mutual interaction regarding meat and drink. There were believers, who ate everything…
神的話語並不總是受到人們的欣賞. 在舊約和新約中, 許多人無法聽到和承受神的話語,…
當基督徒將失喪的人帶回家時, 他們會發生什麼? 他們將去哪裡? 他們會去屬靈的教會嗎, where Jesus is the center and they speak His…
耶穌做了一個好牧人應該做的事. 耶穌餵養羊群,使他們堅強. 他把破損的, 醫治病人, 尋找迷失的人, and brought the lost…