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Raamatun opintoja

Raamatun opintoja, learning the Bible

  • The three dispensations in the Bible

    Mitkä ovat Raamatun kolme taloudenhoitokautta?

    Läpi koko Raamatun, we see the unity between God the Father (Jehovah), Sana; Jeesus, and the Holy Spirit. Kuitenkin, despite their unity and continuous cooperation, we see a distinction between

  • Matthew 13:3-43 Vertaus kylväjästä; Neljä erilaista uskovaa

    Vertaus kylväjästä; Neljä erilaista uskovaa

    The Kingdom of Heaven is a spiritual Kingdom. Because God’s people were not spiritual but carnal, Jesus used illustrations and examples from the natural realm and everyday life to reveal the

  • The battle and weakness of the old man Romans 7

    Vanhan miehen taistelu ja heikkous

    Roomalaiskirjeessä 7:14-26, Paul wrote to the saints in Rome about the battle and the weakness of the old man. Paul wrote about the old man, who is carnal and is

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