Biblické štúdiá, učenie sa Biblie
Od momentu, that man handed over his dominion over the earth, which had been given to man by God, to the devil through sin, the devil established his kingdom on…
Biblické štúdiá, učenie sa Biblie
Od momentu, that man handed over his dominion over the earth, which had been given to man by God, to the devil through sin, the devil established his kingdom on…
Ježišove zasľúbenia pre cirkev platia aj dnes. As long as the church remains in Him and obey His words and keep His commandments and walk in…
Jesus builds His church on the testimony, that He is the Christ, Syn živého Boha. As long as His church stays in Him, the gates of hell shall…
On the testimony, že Ježiš je Kristus, Syn živého Boha, Jesus builds His Church. As long as the Church of Christ stays in Him, the gates of…
V Matúšovi 16:18 Ježiš nielen sľúbil, that He would build His church upon the testimony of Peter, čo sa stalo v deň Turíc. But Jesus promised that the gates…