

Bibelstudien, learning the Bible

  • Wenn Jesus kommt, will He find faith on earth?

    Im Laufe der Jahre, the gospel of Jesus Christ and the faith have slowly been adjusted. Many false doctrines have entered the church and the lives of Christians. Because of that many

  • Bist du ein Sklave der Vergangenheit?

    Bist du ein Sklave der Vergangenheit??

    The old man always wants to go back to the past and is not able to let go of the past. Viele Leute, darunter auch Christen, live with a lot of pain,…

  • War Jesus ganz Mensch?, Jesus Humanity

    War Jesus ganz Mensch??

    War Jesus ganz Mensch?? Es gibt Menschen, die sagen, that the blood of Jesus was divine because the blood derived from His Father. Therefore Jesus was holy and righteous and wasn’t affected

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