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studii biblice

studii biblice, learning the Bible

  • Care este semnificația văii Achor care înseamnă ușa speranței

    Care este sensul văii Acorului?

    Majoritatea creștinilor au auzit sau au cântat despre valea Achor ca fiind o ușă a speranței. But do they know what happened in the valley of Achor and the reason why the

  • how to create order from chaos

    How to create order from chaos?

    Are you consumed by your daily circumstances? Are you overwhelmed by negative thoughts or problems? Do you experience stress, îngrijorare, anxietate, frică, etc.? Do you experience chaos instead of peace? Are

  • image bible with blog title What is the purpose of the Bible?

    What is the purpose of the Bible?

    Only born-again Christians are able to understand the Bible and the spiritual things of the Kingdom of God. As a born-again believer, you need the words of God every day. The…

  • image bible with blog title for whom is the Bible intended

    For whom is the Bible intended?

    Many people doubt the authenticity of the Bible (Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu) and say that the Bible contradicts Itself. Many people find the Bible hard to understand or they find the

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