Kategoria e shfletimit

studime biblike

studime biblike, learning the Bible

  • how to create order from chaos

    Si të krijoni rend nga kaosi?

    A jeni të konsumuar nga rrethanat tuaja të përditshme? Jeni të pushtuar nga mendimet apo problemet negative? A përjetoni stres, merak, ankthi, frikë, etj.? A përjetoni kaos në vend të paqes? Are

  • image bible with blog title What is the purpose of the Bible?

    What is the purpose of the Bible?

    Only born-again Christians are able to understand the Bible and the spiritual things of the Kingdom of God. As a born-again believer, you need the words of God every day. Të…

  • image bible with blog title for whom is the Bible intended

    For whom is the Bible intended?

    Many people doubt the authenticity of the Bible (fjala e Zotit) and say that the Bible contradicts Itself. Many people find the Bible hard to understand or they find the

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