estudios bíblicos, aprendiendo la biblia
What about fasting in Christianity? Fasting and prayer belongs in the lives of Christians. Sin embargo, there are not many Christians, who fast regularly. This is mainly due to wrong doctrines about…
estudios bíblicos, aprendiendo la biblia
What about fasting in Christianity? Fasting and prayer belongs in the lives of Christians. Sin embargo, there are not many Christians, who fast regularly. This is mainly due to wrong doctrines about…
En Efesios 4:24, Paul wrote about putting on the new man. Because if you have become a new creation; el nuevo hombre, por la fe y la regeneración en Cristo, you should also…
En el Antiguo Pacto, nadie era capaz de cumplir la ley de Dios. Jesucristo, el Hijo del Dios vivo, fue el primero, Who fulfilled the law of…
Toda la creación es creada en Jesucristo.; la palabra. All things in heaven and on earth, the visible and invisible, are created by Him and for Him. There’s not one creation that…
Cuando tu espíritu resucita de entre los muertos y naces de nuevo es muy importante alimentar tu espíritu. Your spirit needs to grow up and mature so that…