Biblické štúdiá, učenie sa Biblie
What about fasting in Christianity? Fasting and prayer belongs in the lives of Christians. Avšak, Kresťanov nie je veľa, who fast regularly. This is mainly due to wrong doctrines about…
Biblické štúdiá, učenie sa Biblie
What about fasting in Christianity? Fasting and prayer belongs in the lives of Christians. Avšak, Kresťanov nie je veľa, who fast regularly. This is mainly due to wrong doctrines about…
V liste Efezanom 4:24, Pavol písal o obliekaní nového muža. Pretože ak ste sa stali novým stvorením; nový muž, vierou a znovuzrodením v Kristovi, you should also…
V Starej zmluve, no one was able to fulfill the law of God. Ježiš Kristus, Syn živého Boha, was the first One, Who fulfilled the law of…
Celé stvorenie je stvorené v Ježišovi Kristovi; slovo. All things in heaven and on earth, the visible and invisible, are created by Him and for Him. There’s not one creation that…
Keď váš duch vstane z mŕtvych a vy ste znovuzrodení, je veľmi dôležité nakŕmiť svojho ducha. Your spirit needs to grow up and mature so that…