

Bibelstudien, learning the Bible

  • image bible with eraser blog title a new bible translation the geb

    A new Bible translation: The GEB

    It won’t be long before a new Bible translation comes out: The GEB. The GEB Bible will fit perfectly in Today’s world. You are probably wondering what GEB stands for… Also, GEB

  • Two ways to go through a storm

    The two ways to go through a storm

    In the Bible in Matthew 8:23-27, we read about the two ways to go through a storm in life. You can go through a storm as the new creation (the new

  • Sklave Jesu oder Sklave des Teufels

    Whose slave are you?

    People don’t like the word slave and don’t want to be called someone’s slave. But in life, you will be someone’s slave. Die Frage ist, whose slave are you? Do you

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