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Bibelstudier, att lära sig Bibeln

  • image bible with eraser blog title a new bible translation the geb

    A new Bible translation: The GEB

    It won’t be long before a new Bible translation comes out: The GEB. The GEB Bible will fit perfectly in Today’s world. You are probably wondering what GEB stands for… Brunn, GEB

  • läror dödar kyrkan 1 Timotej 4:1-2

    Hur djävulsdoktriner dödar kyrkan

    Once upon a time, there was a person, who had a little dog. The person loved the little dog very much and never let the dog out of sight. One day a

  • Jesu slav eller djävulens slav

    Whose slave are you?

    People don’t like the word slave and don’t want to be called someone’s slave. But in life, you will be someone’s slave. Frågan är, whose slave are you? Do you

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