proučavanje Biblije, učenje Biblije
Neposlušnost Bogu nije započela u edenskom vrtu na zemlji. Nije počelo s Adamom. But the first battle in the garden and the first time someone became…
proučavanje Biblije, učenje Biblije
Neposlušnost Bogu nije započela u edenskom vrtu na zemlji. Nije počelo s Adamom. But the first battle in the garden and the first time someone became…
Walking on the narrow path of the Lord, means walking in the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord has nothing to do with being fearful, tjeskoban, or afraid of…
What does the Bible say about walking in love? Do you walk in love, when you are kind to people and tolerate and approve all things, uključujući grijehe i bezakonja? Mnogi kršćani…
Is once a sinner always a sinner true? Ostaješ li uvijek grešnik? If once a sinner always a sinner is true, then why did Jesus have to come to this…
U prethodnom postu na blogu raspravljalo se o Božjim imenima Stvoriteljstva. U ovom postu na blogu raspravlja se o otkupiteljskim imenima Božjim. Jahve – 'Ja sam koji jesam' I reče Bog Mojsiju,…