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Te mau haapiiraa Bibilia

Te mau haapiiraa Bibilia, learning the Bible

  • How do you weary the Lord

    How do you weary the Lord?

    He maha nga Karaitiana, who weary the Lord. How do you weary the Lord? The Bible says, you have wearied the Lord with your words, Yet ye say, wherein have we

  • The words and commandments of the Father

    The words and commandments of the Father

    My son, keep my words, and lay up my commandments with thee (Whakatauki 7:1) The father commands his son, to keep his words, and to lay up his commandments with him. The same

  • What do you choose Heaven or hell?

    What will you choose: Heaven or Hell?

    Heaven or hell, that’s the choice that every person must make in his or her life. The final destination of a person’s life is made during the person’s life on earth. Every

hapa: Ka tiakina tenei ihirangi