耶稣给了我们许多关于他的安息和平安的应许,, 相信他、来到他面前并向他学习的人应该经历. The peace of…
在马太福音中 5:9, 这个已经写完了, that blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. God has called His children to be peacemakers on earth. Just…
From the moment, that man decided to listen to the serpent (恶魔; the fallen arch angel) and followed up his advice, instead of obeying the commandment of God, man lost…
Jesus is the Prince of peace and He came to earth to bring peace. But what kind of peace did Jesus bring on earth? 这里有很多人, who have created…
Are you consumed by your daily circumstances? Are you overwhelmed by negative thoughts or problems? Do you experience stress, 担心, 焦虑, 害怕, ETC。? Do you experience chaos instead of peace? Are…