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  • umfanekiso wembulunga nesiqu esithi Abenzi Bokuthula BakaNkulunkulu

    Abenzi bokuthula bakaNkulunkulu

    KuMathewu 5:9, kulotshiwe, ukuthi babusisiwe abalamulayo: ngokuba bayakubizwa ngokuthi ngabantwana bakaNkulunkulu. UNkulunkulu ubize abantwana Bakhe ukuthi babe ngabadali bokuthula emhlabeni. Just

  • how to create order from chaos

    How to create order from chaos?

    Are you consumed by your daily circumstances? Are you overwhelmed by negative thoughts or problems? Do you experience stress, worry, anxiety, ukwesaba, njll.? Do you experience chaos instead of peace? Are

iphutha: Lokhu okuqukethwe kuvikelwe