约翰是什么意思 1 约翰 5:6-8, 有三个在天上有记录, 父亲, 这个单词, 圣灵和这三者是一体的. And there…
Position as Christian; 新的创造
The resurrection of Jesus from the dead was proof that God accepted the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and His precious blood and the redemptive work for fallen humanity was finished on…
每个人, 在基督里重生的人,成为新的创造物,具有神的本性. 上帝的旨意, 这是为旧创造而隐藏的, but was revealed by…
上帝是天地和万物的创造者. Nothing is created outside God. Therefore the heaven and the earth and all there is within is God’s…
比方说, a salesman comes to your door, trying to sell a product, which according to him, you need in your life and can’t live without. By using a standard sales…