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Posición como cristiano; la nueva creación

  • ¿Dejas que la profecía cobre vida??

    ¿Dejas que la profecía cobre vida??

    ¿Dejas que la profecía cobre vida?? What do you do after someone has prophesied over your life? I think most of you, have received a prophecy in your life. Si…

  • fiesta de alegría o lástima

    Fiesta de alegría o lástima?

    People talk a lot, sometimes even too much. But what kind of words come out of their mouth? Do they speak words of life that keep them save or do they

  • imagen 5 piedras con el título del artículo ¿Cómo se vence a tu Goliat?

    Cómo vencer a tu Goliat

    Every Christian knows the story of David and Goliath in the Bible and how David did overcome Goliath. The army of Israel was afraid when they saw Goliath. Sin embargo, David wasn’t

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