Kategorie procházení

Position as Christian; nové stvoření

  • Ministers of flaming fire

    Ministers of flaming fire

    If Christians don’t become ministers of flaming fire and not be cast into the field of God’s harvest, millions of people will be cast into the eternal flaming fire of the

  • Religion or relation?

    Religion or Relation?

    How many times do Christians say, “We don’t have a religion but a relation. We are freed from religion and don’t have to anymore.” They are proud that they don’t adhere

  • Buďte silní a odvážní

    Buďte silní a odvážní!

    Just like Jesus Christ was strong and of good courage and in obedience to God persevered until the end, the born-again Christians, who are the sons of God (both males and

  • Process of sanctification

    What is the process of sanctification?

    Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and His blood and by faith and regeneration in Christ, you have been cleansed from all your sins and iniquities and made holy and righteous

  • Kdy jsi duchovně zralá?

    Kdy jsi duchovně zralá?

    Účelem každého znovuzrozeného křesťana je vyrůst k duchovní zralosti v Božím synovství a chodit na zemi jako zralý Boží syn. But when are

chyba: Tento obsah je chráněn