当你相信耶稣基督时, 悔改, 并重生, which means that you have died in Jesus Christ, and your spirit has been risen from the dead, by the…
Position as Christian; 新的创造
Jesus is the Living Word, Who was made flesh and walked on the earth (约翰 1:14). 耶稣是新创造的首生者 (new man). 通过耶稣’ redemptive work on…
作为重生的基督徒, 用神的话语更新你的心意不仅重要, 但你也应该保守你的心. 保护你的思想很重要, 因为…
当你重生时, you become a new creation. 虽然你已经成为精神领域的新造物, 你的心没有改变,仍然是属肉体的、世俗的. Your mind…
The earth is changing. What Jesus prophesied in the Bible about the earth is coming to pass. We see an increase in natural disasters, pestilences, 干旱, wars, 等等, 哪个…