
Position as Christian; the new creation

  • 每種文化都在基督裡消失了


    When you believe in Jesus Christ, 悔改, 並重生, which means that you have died in Jesus Christ, and your spirit has been risen from the dead, by the

  • What's the purpose of every believer


    Jesus is the Living Word, Who was made flesh and walked on the earth (約翰 1:14). Jesus was the Firstborn of the new creation (new man). 通過耶穌’ redemptive work on

  • How to guard your mind


    As a born again Christian, it’s not only important to renew your mind with the Word of God, but you should also guard your mind. Guarding your mind is essential, 因為…

  • Why renewing your mind is necessary

    Why renewing your mind is necessary?

    當你重生時, you become a new creation. Although you have become a new creation in the spiritual realm, your mind is unchanged and is still carnal and worldly. Your mind

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