Do you know that God has a plan for your life? Прежде чем ты родился, you were already known by God. He knew exactly what His plan for your life would be.…
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Position as Christian; новое творение
В Послании к Ефесянам 4:24, Paul wrote about putting on the new man. Because if you have become a new creation; новый человек, верой и возрождением во Христе, you should also…
В Библии у Матфея 8:23-27, we read about the two ways to go through a storm in life. You can go through a storm as the new creation (the new…
Люди не любят слово раб и не хотят, чтобы их называли чьим-то рабом.. Но в жизни, ты будешь чьим-то рабом. Вопрос в том, чей ты раб? Do you…
Many Christians look forward to the return of Jesus. They look forward to the new heaven and the new earth, that will come. They expect to have eternal life and receive the inheritance…