你知道神对你的人生有一个计划吗? 在你出生之前, you were already known by God. He knew exactly what His plan for your life would be.…
Position as Christian; 新的创造
在以弗所书中 4:24, 保罗写到穿上新人. 因为如果你已经成为新造的人; 新人, 借着在基督里的信心和重生, you should also…
In the Bible in Matthew 8:23-27, we read about the two ways to go through a storm in life. You can go through a storm as the new creation (the new…
人们不喜欢奴隶这个词,也不想被称为某人的奴隶. 但在生活中, 你将成为某人的奴隶. 问题是, whose slave are you? Do you…
Many Christians look forward to the return of Jesus. They look forward to the new heaven and the new earth, that will come. They expect to have eternal life and receive the inheritance…