The importance and necessity of praying are often underestimated. Many Christians are unaware of how important and necessary praying is. Because of that praying has faded into the background. Avšak, Modliť…
Modlitba a pôst
V Matúšovi 7:7-8 a Luke 11:9-10 Ježiš povedal, Opýtať sa, a bude vám dané; hľadať, a nájdete; zaklopať, a bude vám otvorené: for everyone that…
Modlitbu za zosnulých praktizujú kresťania, ktorí si myslia, že môžu zmeniť konečný cieľ zosnulého prostredníctvom svojich modlitieb. And so they pray a prayer for the dead…
V predchádzajúcich blogpostoch, the spiritual armor of God was discussed and prayer and supplication, which is essential next to the spiritual armor in order to stand in the evil day…
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints (Ephesians 6:18) When you take the whole armor of God…