Kitengo cha Kuvinjari

Maombi na kufunga

  • Pray for the dead

    Can you pray for the dead?

    Praying for the dead is practiced by Christians, who think they can change the final destination of the deceased through their prayers. And so they pray a prayer for the dead

  • Kwa nini kuomba ni muhimu na muhimu

    Kwa nini kuomba ni muhimu na muhimu?

    The importance and necessity of praying is often underestimated, but praying is a fundamental part of the life of every born again believer, who has become a new creation. Praying is

  • what is Supplication prayer meaning

    Sala ya maombi ni nini?

    Katika makala zilizopita za blogu, Silaha za kiroho za Mungu zilijadiliwa na maombi na dua, which is essential next to the spiritual armor in order to stand in the evil day

kosa: Maudhui haya yanalindwa