Mange kristne leter etter nøkkelen til besvarte bønner. For hvem vil ikke at deres bønner skal bli besvart? If prayers wouldn’t be answered, Hva er vitsen med å be? It happens…
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I Kolosserne 4:2, Paul commanded to give constant attention to prayer, constantly vigilant in it with thanksgiving. Every born again Christian should have a prayer life and pray persistently. Because through…
Prayer is a big part of the life of every born again Christian, who walks after the Spirit. That’s because born again Christians are aware of the importance of prayer and…
The Bible shows us the importance of praying for fellow believers. In the New Testament, we read that Jesus and the apostles prayed for their fellow believers. Sometimes praying for fellow…
The power of prayer is often underestimated. Gjennom årene, prayer has become neglected in the lives of many Christians. Because if something isn’t exciting and challenging enough, but boring and…