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Umthandazo nokuzila ukudla

  • isihluthulelo semithandazo ephenduliwe

    Siyini isihluthulelo semithandazo ephenduliwe?

    AmaKristu amaningi afuna isihluthulelo semithandazo ephendulwayo. Ngoba ubani ongafuni ukuba imithandazo yabo iphendulwe? Kunjalo, wonke umuntu ufuna ukuphendulwa imithandazo yakhe. Because if prayers

  • Necessity of persistent prayer

    Isidingo sokuphikelela emthandazweni

    KwabaseKolose 4:2, UPawulu wayala ukuba sinake njalo umthandazo, nihlale niqapha kuwo ngokubonga. Wonke umKristu ozelwe ngokusha kufanele abe nempilo yomthandazo futhi athandaze ngokuqhubekayo. Because through

  • The secret prayer life of the believer

    The secret prayer life of the believer

    Prayer is a big part of the life of every born again Christian, who walks after the Spirit. That’s because born again Christians are aware of the importance of prayer and

  • Importance of praying for fellow believers

    The importance of praying for fellow believers

    The Bible shows us the importance of praying for fellow believers. In the New Testament, we read that Jesus and the apostles prayed for their fellow believers. Sometimes praying for fellow

  • power of prayer

    What is the power of prayer?

    The power of prayer is often underestimated. Kuyo yonke iminyaka, prayer has become neglected in the lives of many Christians. Because if something isn’t exciting and challenging enough, but boring and

iphutha: Lokhu okuqukethwe kuvikelwe