God sent His Word to the earth, so that, الجميع, who would believe in His Word be saved from the power of darkness and be given the power to become a…
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ما معنى الأمثال 10:13-14, In the lips of him that has understanding wisdom is found: but a rod is for the back of him that is void of…
What does Proverbs 10:11 mean, The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life: but violence covers the mouth of the wicked? The path of righteousness The mouth of…
ما معنى الأمثال 10:10 in the Bible, من يغمز بالعين يسبب الحزن: but a prating fool shall fall? What does winks with the eye mean?…
ما معنى الأمثال 10:9, He that walks uprightly (in integrity and with moral character) walks surely: but he that perverts his ways shall be known? Walking in integrity…