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  • don't lust after her beauty

    Don’t lust after her beauty

    Nafsu teu sanggeus kageulisan dirina dina haté thine; teu ngantep manehna nyandak thee kalawan eyelids nya (Paribasa 6:25) Sometimes, certain things may seem so appealing, wonderful and good, but the truth; the

  • A lamp and a light

    A lamp and a light

    Pikeun parentah teh lampu; sareng hukumna terang; jeung reproofs instruksi mangrupakeun jalan hirup: Pikeun ngajaga anjeun tina awéwé jahat, from the flattery of

  • The Word shall protect you

    The Word shall protect you

    Nalika anjeun angkat, eta bakal ngakibatkeun thee; nalika anjeun bobo, eta bakal ngajaga anjeun; sareng nalika anjeun hudang, éta bakal ngobrol sareng anjeun (Paribasa 6:22) It is important to remember the commandment

  • Obey your parents

    Obey your parents

    putra abdi, jaga parentah bapa anjeun, jeung ulah ninggalkeun hukum indung anjeun: Meungkeut aranjeunna terus-terusan kana haté anjeun, jeung dasi aranjeunna ngeunaan beuheung thy (Paribasa 6:20-21) Honor your father, and your

  • seven things the lord hates, God hates seven things

    What are the seven things the Lord hates?

    These six things does the Lord hate: enya, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet

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