

  • 画像の山とブログタイトル 生まれ変わるために必要な3つの要素とは


    たくさんの教義があります, 意見, キリスト教における再生についての議論. 人が生まれ変わるのはいつですか, 人はどうやって生まれ変わることができるのか, そして復活は何を意味するのか…

  • Circumcision in the New Covenant


    The circumcision of the foreskin was a token of God’s covenant with Abraham, as a seal of the righteousness of his faith. The sons, who were born of the seed of

  • crucifixion of the flesh

    The crucifixion of the flesh

    If you don’t acknowledge and consider sin as evil, but justify and accept sin, it proves that your eyes are still covered and that you are living behind the veil of

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