Kategori Penjelajahan


  • crucifixion of the soul

    Penyaliban jiwa

    Yesus tahu tujuan kedatangan-Nya ke bumi dan jalan yang sulit yang harus Dia tempuh. Ketika Yesus pergi bersama Petrus, Yohanes, dan Yakobus, naik ke gunung untuk berdoa,…

  • Not my opinion but your opinion

    Bukan pendapat saya, tapi pendapatmu

    As soon as you become a new creation in Jesus Christ and be transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God, the time of your opinion is over.

  • The mind has a choice

    The mind has a choice

    The behavior of people and their actions derive from the mind. Karena itu, the mind determines the behavior and actions of people. Before someone does something, a lot has already taken place

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