Browsing Category


  • 4 Rezon ki fè ou dwe fèt ankò

    4 Rezon ki fè ou dwe fèt ankò

    Have you ever wondered, why you must be born again? Why couldn’t humanity stay the way they were, after the fall? Why isn’t a confession of your faith statement, a church

  • Ki sa sa vle di yo dwe fèt ankò

    Ki sa sa vle di yo dwe fèt ankò?

    In the Bible in John 3: 1-10, Jesus spoke with Nicodemus about being born again. What did Jesus mean, when He said to Nicodemus that you must be born again to

  • sanktifikasyon

    Ki sa ki sanktifikasyon?

    Paske se volonte Bondye, menm sanktifikasyon ou, pou nou pa dwe fè fònikasyon: That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and

  • Nesesite nouvo nesans la, rejenerasyon

    Nesesite nouvo nesans la

    That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit (Jan 3:6). We have a spirit, soul and body. The question you

erè: Kontni sa a pwoteje