

  • bedrieg deur my gevoelens

    Mislei deur my gevoelens

    Many people are being deceived by their feelings. Daar word gesê, that feelings are deceptive. But although people are aware that feelings are deceptive, there are many people, who are still

  • Tel die koste wat Bybel Lukas beteken 14:28

    Wat beteken dit om die koste te tel?

    In Lukas 14:28, Jesus het gesê om die koste te bereken wanneer Hy met die skare oor 'n man gepraat het, who was building a tower and a king who was going to war.

  • Die oproep tot bekering

    Die oproep tot bekering

    Wat is die oproep tot bekering? Die oproep tot bekering is die boodskap wat dwarsdeur die Bybel verkondig word. In die Ou Testament, the message of the call to repentance was

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