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  • trompé par mes sentiments

    Trompé par mes sentiments

    Many people are being deceived by their feelings. It is said, that feelings are deceptive. But although people are aware that feelings are deceptive, there are many people, who are still

  • Count the cost meaning BIble Luke 14:28

    Que signifie compter le coût?

    Dans Luc 14:28, Jésus a dit de compter le prix quand il parlait à la foule d'un homme, who was building a tower and a king who was going to war.

  • L'appel au repentir

    L'appel au repentir

    What is the call to repentance? The call to repentance is the message that is preached throughout the Bible. Dans l'Ancien Testament, the message of the call to repentance was

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